Lok Manch

Lok Manch

Lok Manch is a platform of Community Leaders and Civil Society Organizations to do advocacy at Panchayat/ District/ State/ National level for the rights of the marginalized communities. It is a platform for empowering Community Leadership and community based organizations for strengthening and sustaining grass-root level movement for contributing to a ‘Just, Democratic and Secular society’. Lok Manch engages itself firstly in proper implementation of existing policies and laws and secondly in demanding new policies, amendments in existing laws and for new laws. Lok Manch also promotes and strengthens collaboration and networking between Jesuits, Religious and Lay Leaders and their organizations.


Building an egalitarian, just, inclusive, democratic and secular society in India
To engage in social transformation through training, socially relevant research and policy engagement works aimed at integral development of the marginalized communities, particularly the Dalits, Adivasis/Tribals, OBCs, women, minorities, unorganized and landless labourers in partnership with like-minded groups, CSOs(Civil Society Organizations), CBOs (Community Based Organizations), Peoples’ Movements, Human Rights Organizations and Ecological Movements nationally and internationally.
Marginalized groups receive the full state social benefits to which they are entitled and local, state and national level government institutions become more inclusive and democratic.